
2016-06-13 13:05 来源 作者:ecshop专家

该ECSHOP插件仅适用于没有做过任何平台整合的ECSHOP网站 修改文件: 1、includes/modules/integrates/ecshop.php $this->field_email = 'email'; 在以上代码下面增加 $this->field_phone = 'mobile_phone'; ===================================================================== 找到    function check_user($username, $password = null)  这个下面的 $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE " . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "'"; 修改为 $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE " . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_phone . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_email . "='" . $post_username . "'"; 再找到 $sql = "SELECT user_id, password, salt,ec_salt " .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE user_name='$post_username'"; 修改为 $sql = "SELECT user_id, password, salt,ec_salt " .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE user_name='$post_username' or mobile_phone='$post_username' or email='$post_username'"; 2、includes/modules/integrates/integrate.php 找到     /* 会员邮箱的字段名 */     var $field_email    = ''; 在下面增加     /* 会员手机的字段名 */     var $field_phone    = ''; 找到 function login($username, $password, $remember = null) 下面的    if ($this->need_sync)    {           $this->sync($username,$password);    } 在上面增加    $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_name .                " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                " WHERE " . $this->field_phone . " = '$username' or " . $this->field_name . " = '$username' or " . $this->field_email . " = '$username'";    $username = $this->db->getOne($sql, true); 找到 function check_user($username, $password = null) 下面的    $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE " . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "'"; 修改为    $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE " . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_phone . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_email . "='" . $post_username . "'"; 找到    $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE " . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "' AND " . $this->field_pass . " ='" . $this->compile_password(array('password'=>$password)) . "'"; 修改为    $sql = "SELECT " . $this->field_id .                    " FROM " . $this->table($this->user_table).                    " WHERE (" . $this->field_name . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_phone . "='" . $post_username . "' or " . $this->field_email . "='" . $post_username . "') AND " . $this->field_pass . " ='" . $this->compile_password(array('password'=>$password)) . "'"; 再找到 function sync ($username, $password='', $md5password='')  下面的    $sql = "SELECT user_name, email, password, sex, birthday".                " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users').                " WHERE user_name = '$username'"; 修改为    $sql = "SELECT user_name, email, password, sex, birthday".                " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users').                " WHERE user_name = '$username' or mobile_phone = '$username' or email = '$username'"; 安装完毕!