
2016-06-13 13:05 来源 作者:ecshop专家

ecshop的拍卖功能是ecshop提倡一大促销的主打功能,这个要求必须非常高,本程序为了调整ecshop列表页面活动倒计时和ecshop参与人数显示功能,给ecshop增色不少. 1:auction.php的auction_list函数 $sql = "SELECT a.*, IFNULL(g.goods_thumb, '') AS goods_thumb " .             "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . " AS a " .                 "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ON a.goods_id = g.goods_id " .             "WHERE a.act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "' " .             "AND a.start_time <= '$now' AND a.end_time >= '$now' AND a.is_finished < 2 ORDER BY a.act_id DESC"; 同时修改该函数 function auction_count() {      $now = gmtime();     $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) " .             "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') .             "WHERE act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "' " .             "AND start_time <= '$now' AND end_time >= '$now' AND is_finished < 2";     return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); } 2:admin\auction.php的function auction_list() $info = auction_info($row[act_id]); $arr['bid_user_count']   = $info['bid_user_count']; 3:admin\templates\auction_list.htm {$auction.bid_user_count} 4:includes/lib_goods.php function get_top10($cats = '')去掉 if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage'] == 1)     {         $sql .= " AND g.goods_number > 0 ";     } 5:auction_list.dwt 6:auction.php的list中增加以下 $sort = isset($_REQUEST['sort'])&&($_REQUEST['sort'])?$_REQUEST['sort']:'act_id';   6:auction.php function auction_list($size, $page,$sort = '') { if($sort){    $sort_string = ' order by a.'.$sort." asc"; }     $auction_list = array();     $auction_list['finished'] = $auction_list['finished'] = array();     $now = gmtime();      $sql = "SELECT a.*, IFNULL(g.goods_thumb, '') AS goods_thumb " .             "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . " AS a " .                 "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ON a.goods_id = g.goods_id " .             "WHERE a.act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "' " .             "AND a.start_time <= '$now' AND a.end_time >= '$now' AND a.is_finished < 2 $sort_string"; 8:auction.php的list $pager = get_pager('auction.php', array('act' => 'list','sort'=>$sort), $count, $page, $size); 9:调用参与拍卖数量 $info = auction_info($row[act_id]);      $auction['bid_user_count']   = $info['bid_user_count']; 10:auction_list.dwt参与人数:{$auction.bid_user_count} 11:auction.php的auction_list()中增加倒计时 $auction['auction_end_time']   =local_date('Y/m/d H:i', $auction['end_time']); $auction['act_id']   = $auction['act_id'];