
2016-07-07 15:46 来源 作者:ecshop专家

  1. 090422 18:38:45 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE ecm_sessions SET expiry = '1240398165', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', data = 'cart_stats|s:3:\",,0\";timezone|s:1:\"8\";', is_overflow='0' WHERE sesskey = '122ab33e4abf2293cff0c020162e157d' LIMIT 1
  2. 090422 18:38:54 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE ecm_sessions SET expiry = '1240398174', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', data = '', is_overflow='0' WHERE sesskey = 'd0b9d4eb95ac93e7acd896276108052f' LIMIT 1
  3. 090422 18:38:54 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE ecm_sessions SET expiry = '1240398174', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', data = 'cart_stats|s:3:\",,0\";timezone|s:1:\"8\";', is_overflow='0' WHERE sesskey = '3abbde6907998814035cd94e6e37c4a3' LIMIT 1
  4. 090422 18:39:05 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE `stonys_yxshop`.`ecs_sessions` SET expiry = '1240396745', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', user_name='0', user_rank='0', discount='1', email='0', data = 'a:3:{s:7:\"from_ad\";i:6;s:7:\"referer\";s:7:\"DOWNBUY\";s:10:\"login_fail\";i:0;}' WHERE sesskey = '2266758cc20fe052191dfb5c5d390f58' LIMIT 1
  5. 090422 18:39:08 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE ecm_sessions SET expiry = '1240398188', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', data = '', is_overflow='0' WHERE sesskey = '46870ad5a96d9fa8bcbec65ed38417f6' LIMIT 1
  6. 090422 18:39:08 [Warning] Statement is not safe to log in statement format. Statement: UPDATE ecm_sessions SET expiry = '1240398188', ip = '', userid = '0', adminid = '0', data = 'cart_stats|s:3:\",,0\";timezone|s:1:\"8\";', is_overflow='0' WHERE sesskey = '96806d69bbcb0593d00542c549ed665c' LIMIT 1